Primary 1
Welcome to our Primary 1 class! Our teacher is called Mrs Quinn and our fantastic classroom assistants are called Mrs King and Ms Evonne. We are also lucky to have Mrs Curran at lunchtimes.
We are busy settling into our new class and learning all the rules and routines. We have been exploring lots of different activities including the imaginative role play area, the reading and writing corner, the water tray, the painting area and creative table, construction activities on the carpet and table top games and jigsaws. We also enjoy a healthy snack and drink at break time. We love playing outside with our friends too, especially when we go to play in the big playground!
We are all friends in Primary 1 and we follow the Golden Rules to make our class a happy and safe place to play and learn. We are always kind and gentle, we listen well, we look after things and always try our best.
We are looking forward to all the learning we will be doing in Primary 1. We can’t wait to learn our sounds and keywords and this will help us to learn to read. We love counting and can’t wait to learn all about our numbers. We also love learning about the world around us, art, music, circle time, PE, ICT and RE. We are looking forward to a busy year in Primary 1!
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Chapel Road Primary School, Knockdara Park Waterside, Derry City BT47 2BD
Telephone: 028 7134 1419 |