Primary 4
Welcome to Primary 4. We have a great class with 12 girls and 12 boys. We enjoy learning about lots of different topics. Our teacher is Mrs Kyle who loves singing and teaching us songs. We are also very lucky to have our teaching assistants, Miss O’Connor and Mrs McAnenny, to help and guide us along our way. Our class is very good at working together as a team. We also can come up with super ideas and examples when we work with our study buddies. We have so much to learn about this year.
Primary 4 is also a very important year for us as we make our First Holy Communion. We are really looking forward to this special time and will be making lovely preparations throughout the year.
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Class Photograph

Chapel Road Primary School, Knockdara Park Waterside, Derry City BT47 2BD
Telephone: 028 7134 1419 |