Primary 6
Welcome to Primary 6! There are 25 children in our class and our teacher is called Mrs Barrett. Our class is a happy, caring and fun place to be where we all work hard to reach our full potential. We are also very lucky to have our teaching assistant Mrs White to help and guide us along our way.
We are excited to be back and are looking forward to a great year ahead!
ICT - every Wednesday Afternoon 1-3pm
P.E - Term 1 - Badminton 8 week block (Starting Monday 9th September until Monday 4th November 2024)
Term 2 - Ryan McBride (starting Tuesday 17th September until Tuesday 3rd December 2024)
Term 2 - Swimming 10 week block (Starting Thursday 20th March until Thursday 5th June 2025)
Foyle Arena -10-30am-11.00am walking to and from
Term 3 - TBC
Mrs Barrett
Latest Photographs

Class Photograph

Chapel Road Primary School, Knockdara Park Waterside, Derry City BT47 2BD
Telephone: 028 7134 1419 |