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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside

Amazing Eco Warriors 💫

19th Jun 2022

These are some of the fantastic things the Eco Warriors have been up to this year as we aim for the Eco Schools Green Flag Award.

We have written a new Eco Code for our school which we decorated and gave to each class to put up in their classrooms. We have also put them on display around the school. We made our own Eco Warriors for display on our Eco notice board. The Eco Warriors also helped the P1 children to recycle and reuse different boxes and containers by making amazing Fairytale houses! Well done Eco Warriors.

It was also lovely to see how different classes are working towards becoming a more Eco-friendly school in their own classes. The P3 children were making some fantastic posters about ways to look after our environment.

We can’t wait to continue working towards the Green Flag next year!