Access Keys:

Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside


7th Sep 2021

Tuesday 7th September 2021

Dear parents/guardians

I sent a note out last week to survey the need for a breakfast club which would start at 8.15am. A small number of replies have come in, please return tomorrow if you have not done so already. Currently, our staff are all employed supervising class bubbles from 8.30am so this club will have to be organised around the management of these bubbles.

The Breakfast Club will start on Monday 20th September at 8.15am. The cost of the club is 50p per child per day-if your child is attending daily please send for the full week to reduce handling of money.

Please note if your child attends the Breakfast Club he/she will then become part of an additional bubble and as such could be a close contact of a child/adult other than their immediate class.

Mrs Bacheta