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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside
325 Club Week Beginning 20th January 202 It is now time to book your place for 325 Club week beginning 20th January.Booking link opens at 8.30amWednesday 15th January and closes 3.00pm Friday 17th January. to put your child's/children's names and class and the days and times you wish to choose.Please Note link closes 3.00pm Friday 17th January you cannot book after this.If you cannot access the link then please inform school staff before 3.00pm on Friday 17th January.
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Busy Bees in P1 🐝

12th Feb 2024

It’s been a busy week in P1 this week! In Maths, we were great at our practical addition. We made sets, labelled them and added the two sets together to find the total. We also ordered numbers to 10 and matched sets to numbers. In phonics we’ve been practicing our blending and segmenting. We read words and matched them to the correct picture then had a go writing them using our sounds to sound them out. 

Buddy the dog helped teach us how to be safe online for Safer Internet Day. For Schools of Sanctuary we read Paddington Bear and talked about what we might take with us if we had to leave home in a hurry. We worked really well in our groups to agree on 4 things to pack in our suitcase. In PATHS we learned how to ‘Do Turtle’ if we ever feel upset and need to calm down. The girls and boys were great at acting out parts of the story about Twiggle and Henrietta. As part of our Brr It’s Freezing topic, we read Jack Frost and made our own winter collages. We made lovely penguin Valentine’s Day cards and even our own penguin fact books. We also loved playing with the polar animals in the shaving foam! Wow, what a busy week! πŸ’πŸ¦”πŸΆπŸ§³πŸ§Έβ„οΈ