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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside
No Pens Day/Grandparents Day [27th November 2024] Grandparents are invited to visit their grandchildren's classes and talk to them about there school day. Refreshments will be available.
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Busy Bees in P1!

16th Mar 2020

We have had a busy few weeks in P1! In Maths, we have been copying, continuing and creating our own patterns using cubes, beads and shapes 🟒🟣🟒🟣. We’ve also been doing lots of sorting, including sorting bears in different ways e.g. if they are big or small, or if they are wearing a hat or not. We’ve also been keeping active by playing copy-cat games. I did a series of actions and the kids had to copy me. Then the children took turns being the leader and the rest of the class had to copy them e.g. star jumps, hops then turn around! We also explored positional language by placing the cube ‘on your head’, ‘under your foot’, etc. In ICT we have been enjoying consolidating our learning through maths games on Mathletics and Topmarks. 

In Literacy, we have been reading and writing lots of CVC words, with a focus on a different vowel each week. We wrote lots of rhyming words like hat, cat and rat πŸ‘©‍πŸŒΎπŸ˜ΊπŸ€ then pen, ten and hen πŸ–ŠπŸ”ŸπŸ”.