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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside

Film and Animation in Primary 6

3rd Dec 2018

Primary 6 have been working in partnership with the Nerve Centre as part of the Nerve Centres’ Primary Partnership Programme this year. Mrs Barrett applied for a place on the programme in March 2018 and after undergoing very competitive shortlisting our school was one of the lucky schools in the North West to be awarded a place. Our focus for the year has been on Film and Animation and 3 year groups have been lucky to be selected to participate Primary 3, Primary 5 and Mrs Barrett’s Primary 6 class. We have been using iMotion to animate and the children have been working so impressively as part of a team. Alternatively we have been filming using green scenes and cameras 🎥 in the library with the children getting an opportunity to be a sound person, a director and a producer.