Half Day Teacher's Strike 21st February 2023
8th Feb 2023 @ 21:08:04
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I am writing to you about the forthcoming strike action by the teaching unions in Northern Ireland. You may have seen coverage of this in the news, and I wanted to inform you about the impact this is likely to have at our school. When a strike takes place, those taking strike action stop work and withdraw their labour. Teachers involved in the action will, therefore, not teach their class or undertake any other duties before 12.00 noon on the strike day. In partnership with the Board of Governors, I have determined the following:
➢ The school will be closed until 12:15 pm.
➢ Children arriving at 12:15 pm will go straight to their classrooms.
➢ Lunch will be served at 12.30 pm.
➢ If your child is having school dinners on Tuesday, 21st February, you will need to let us know on Monday 20th February. This is to ensure numbers are sent to catering.
➢ Any children not having a hot dinner should bring a packed lunch as normal.
➢ All afterschool clubs will run as normal in the afternoon.
Clearly, this is a difficult situation, which will cause some disruption. We apologise in advance for this. Please get in touch if you have any further questions.
Kindest Regards
Mrs Bacheta
Chapel Road Primary School, Knockdara Park Waterside, Derry City BT47 2BD
Telephone: 028 7134 1419 | info@chapelroadps.derry.ni.sch.uk