Access Keys:

Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside


21st Mar 2020

Dear parents/guardians

On behalf of the BOG and staff I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our frontline and key workers who are so brave and courageous. We are praying that you will keep safe and well. x

I also wanted to send an important message to update you, following the announcement in relation to the role schools may play in the provision for key worker children. I have been engaged in wide discussions around this since the announcement was made.

Unfortunately, the minister has not yet provided the ‘detailed operational arrangements’ or help with ‘compliance with the public health guidance’. We have been left in a very vulnerable position and our duty of care to staff and pupils has to be our first priority. With a fast and evolving situation it is difficult to manage the twists and turns this virus is presenting. There is no doubt that self-isolation and social distancing are the key messages for us all.

It is therefore, our intention and that of many schools to remain closed to all pupils until we have been afforded the adequate time to seek advice and consider the health risks and safety implications.

Staff will continue to work and carry out remote learning for all pupils. The Board of Governors and leadership team will conduct relevant risk assessments and health/safety checks using PHA and WHO guidelines over the coming days. It is paramount that we can ensure the safety of staff and pupils before proceeding. As always we will be thorough and our systems will be robust.

There is much to consider before we can confirm if we are in a position to provide this service.  I will continue to send out updates as and when they are available to me.

Stay safe everyone.

Mrs Bacheta