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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside
Christmas Show [10th December 2024] | Dairy Council Visit P5&P6 [5th December 2024] | SANTA DAILY MILE [6th December 2024] | 325 Club Week Beginning 9th December 2024 PLEASE NOTE THERE IS NO 325 CLUB ON TUESDAY 10TH AND WEDNESDAY 11TH DECEMBERIt is now time to book your place for 325 Club week beginning 9th December.Booking link opens at 8.30am Wednesday 4th December and closes 3.00pm Friday 6th December. to put your child's/children's names and class and the days and times you wish to choose.Please Note link closes 3.00pm Friday 6th December you cannot book after this.If you cannot access the link then please inform school staff before 3.00pm on Friday 6th December
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6th Jan 2021

This letter is to clarify details for attendance at the Key Worker & VC Provision

Dear parent/guardian

Thank you for getting in touch about the supervised learning for children of key workers and those deemed vulnerable. We are happy to be able to support you at this time. You will appreciate that we must continue to be vigilant to protect the adults and children in attendance. The health and safety of everyone has to be at the forefront. 

To facilitate this provision we have developed 2 new bubbles and these will exist until this period of lockdown has ceased. 

This provision will operate following the guidelines set out by the Department of Education. 

I would like to share the following important information for your attention.

  • Staff will be available to supervise children on a rota basis
  • Supervised learning starts at 9.00am. (drop off from 8.50am)
  • Children who are attending supervised learning must continue to wear their full school uniform.
  • Children must not attend if they are sick with symptoms of covid-19 or have been a close contact of a positive case. Please familiarise yourself with all regulations and follow guidance.
  • Positive behaviour in line with our policy is expected at all times. Any behaviour concerns/issues that arise will be followed up and parents contacted. 
  • All social distancing restrictions and hygiene routines continue to apply.
  • To protect the adults and children in school it is expected that your child/children will follow the government regulations of ‘stay at home’ whilst not at school.
  • All children must bring a substantial break and lunch including a bottle of water to school in order to ensure they are well nourished and hydrated.
  • Free School Meals provision is not available as this payment will be made to parents via bank transfer. 
  • The children will be engaging in the remote learning work set by the class teacher under the supervision of the staff in attendance. 
  • The children will use digital devices if required and learning packs will need to be brought to school daily. Children at home and school will be doing the same learning. 
  • Please let us know if there are days when you do not need to access this service so that we can have accurate numbers and supervision.
  • If you require the lollipop service to be in operation, please contact the school by email tomorrow and let us know.
  • Children in P1 and P2 will finish at 2pm and children in P3-P7 will finish at 3pm. You can let us know if you wish your child to attend for shorter periods such as mornings only.
  • Please ensure logins for the online platforms and websites are working. Let us know if there are issues. 

I hope this is some of the information you need to plan and we will see you all very soon. Please note the office phone may not always be accessible so if you cannot get through, you should email the info account and we will reply to you promptly.

Take care

Mrs Bacheta