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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside
Christmas Show [10th December 2024] | Dairy Council Visit P5&P6 [5th December 2024] | SANTA DAILY MILE [6th December 2024] | 325 Club Week Beginning 9th December 2024 PLEASE NOTE THERE IS NO 325 CLUB ON TUESDAY 10TH AND WEDNESDAY 11TH DECEMBERIt is now time to book your place for 325 Club week beginning 9th December.Booking link opens at 8.30am Wednesday 4th December and closes 3.00pm Friday 6th December. to put your child's/children's names and class and the days and times you wish to choose.Please Note link closes 3.00pm Friday 6th December you cannot book after this.If you cannot access the link then please inform school staff before 3.00pm on Friday 6th December
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Last Week June 2021

27th Jun 2021

Hello Everyone

Only 3 more sleeps. Just a few pieces of information for this week. 

P7 are leaving us tomorrow after 11.00am mass in the Chapel. We are trying our best to get to Wednesday without any Covid cases or anyone having to self-isolate for 10 days in July. For this reason we will not be able to accommodate P7 parents in the hall as we normally do. Weather permitting we will have a socially distanced gathering for P7 parents in the playground at 10.00am before mass. Whether it is sunshine or rain, the children along with the staff will have a lovely time together and enjoy their last morning at CRPS. ❤⭐ We wish the boys and girls the very best in their future education and careers. 

P1-P6 can put the uniforms away and wear own clothes to school this week. This is optional. 

Please collect all items of clothing and any medicines stored in school before Wednesday. 

We finish at 12 noon on Wednesday. Canteen lunch will be served at 11.30am or just before. The children are free to leave at this time if your child prefers to have lunch at home. Just send a note into the class teacher tomorrow if you wish to collect your child before 12 so that we can arrange this. 

The children will spend some time with their new teacher on Tuesday this week. 

On behalf of The Board of Governors I want to congratulate everyone on another successful year at CRPS. Thank you for your continued support and thoughtful messages throughout the year. 

Sending our very best wishes to everyone. 

Take care

Mrs Bacheta🌻