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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside

Mary’s Day Celebration at Chapel Road P.S.

20th May 2019

Thank you to everyone who attended our Mary’s Day Celebration. It was lovely to see so many parents and grandparents in attendance. Thank you to Fr. Canny and the Primary 7 children for leading us in the prayer service and to Mr Morrison for the lovely singing and music.

All of the children behaved perfectly and pariticipated enthusiastically in all of our songs to Mary.

Our Lady must have been looking down on us as we managed to escape the worst of the rain. 

And lastly a very special thank you and well done to the brilliant boys and girls in Primary 4 who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 18th May. They were a credit to you their parents and did us all proud. It was lovely for everyone to get a chance to see how beautiful and handsome all the P4 girls and boys were on their special day!