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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside

News from School 02/06/2020

2nd Jun 2020

Hello everyone

Just a few updates.

Learning Packs

For anyone who wasn't able to collect the Learning Packs last week, you can collect on Friday this week 5th June between 8.30am and 12 noon. Please contact us if this is not possible.

Remote Learning

We hope you are all doing well under the circumstances. We realise that life has changed dramatically and will continue for another few months. As a school community we have coped so well. We know there will be much hard work ahead and gaps to fill but that is our job and we are ready and prepared to fill those gaps. With a focus on child-centred provision and your support the children in Chapel Road will continue to thrive and achieve success post lock down.

Thank you

To our children, we are beyond proud of you all. We are proud that you have stayed at home and that you have helped your family with many jobs around the house and in the garden. We love that you have tried your best to keep the learning going even when the weather has been calling you outside. Thank you.

To our parents, you have been amazing and we are grateful for your honesty and the close communication we have maintained since March. We know that every family has different work patterns and remote learning is very difficult to manage. Do what you can, there is no judgement. We understand. Thank you.

To our key workers in the community who have provided us with all our essential services and health care, we have not forgotten you. We will continue to applaud you privately and be thankful everyday for your courage and bravery during this global pandemic. Thank you.

To our staff, you have worked tirelessly, in new and innovative ways to make sure the children have been supported through remote learning at home. You have demonstrated unwavering commitment and dedication as you always do. Thank you.

To our extended school family and all who support our school community. Thank you

The Way Forward

As we wait patiently for guidance from the Department of Education, plans for the reopening of schools are being discussed at all levels. I am confident that we will receive the advice and guidance we need to prepare adequately for the return to school. You will be provided with clear information as soon as it becomes available and we have time to put the necessary adjustments in place. In the meantime, please continue to educate your child/children on the key messages of good handwashing and social distancing. This will be essential when returning to school.

Contact us via email if you have any questions.

Healthy Kidz Virtual Sport's Day Reminder-12th June

Weather permitting we are hoping to have our Virtual Sport's Day on Friday 12th June so that is something to look forward to. What we need you to do is plan your events and use equipment around the house to make obstacle courses. Send us a short video of how you got on. Get everyone in the family involved and remember no cheating! If you have a sporting activity that you love doing and would like to share with us, please do. I bet there are some really talented footballers who have skills to share. I know we also have children who attend other sporting clubs. We would love to see these too but only if it is safe to do so.

If it doesn't suit you to have Sport's Day on the 12th, you can choose any other day next week. If parents are working, you may not be able to do this and that is Ok. There should be no pressure at all.

Photographs from Staff

Thank you for taking the trouble to send us pictures of the remote learning at home. To take the pressure off you, we are now asking you to take a break from this. You can still send examples of work to the teacher via email but instead of uploading pupil photographs to the website, we are going to do staff photographs for the rest of June. We thought it would be nice for the children to see how the staff have been getting on too. We might even send a few pics from the playground!

Take care

Mrs Bacheta