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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside

P2 Home Learning - Week 7

15th May 2020

Well boys and girls, it was just great to see lots of your lovely faces on Wednesday at our story time on Teams.👫 It was tricky to try and chat to all of you. Next week we will break the story time into three sessions, to see if this is any better.🤞🏻I will invite you to the meeting through an email on Monday. I will also let your parents’ know who is in what group.

I know you are all still keeping up your great work.🌟 A huge congratulations to the following children on completing 'Teach your Monster to Read, First Steps', I will email you your beautiful certificates.

1.Clara 2.Emma 3.Niamh 4.Oliver 5.Rory 6.Shea 7.Shay 8.Matthew 9.Lana 10.Jack

These children have also completed the next level on 'Teach Your Monster to Read,Fun with Words'

1.Shea 2. Rory 3.Lana 4.Clara


I will email you these certificates too! It’s  great to see so many of you playing this game.📚 I know it is good fun too, as I play it with my children.

Have a look at this week’s pictures from the lovely Sarah, Jack, Darragh and Blaithin. Jacks biscuits look delicious!🍪

Can you see the baby bird? Blaithin found it on her travels and helped it, how kind! I have pet birds out in my back garden. There are two robins, I have named Robbie and Roberta. They are so friendly and sit close to me when I am sitting outside, I bought them some bird seed and they are enjoying it. I also have a little squirrel called Sammy who calls for a visit to nibble on the bird seed. 🐿 I will try and get some pictures to show you!

This week I had to take on a new job at home. I had to be a barber and shave and cut my son’s hair. 💇🏼‍♂️ It looks like Darragh needs a trip to the barbers too, he's even begun to grow a beard ha ha!

I hope you all had a look at the story I was telling you about last week, 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. Miss Kerr has set us all a challenge linked to the book for next week. Have a look in the Home School section of our website.

Have a lovely weekend boys and girls. Keep up your great work and I will see you on Wednesday again for another story time.

Take care

Mrs Kyle 🌈🌟🥰👩🏼‍🏫