Access Keys:

Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside


19th Aug 2021

Thursday 19th August 2021 

Dear parents/guardians 

I hope you and the children have enjoyed the summer holidays.

The Department of Education published guidance yesterday in relation to educational settings. Much of the previous practices remain the same with some relaxation and planned reviews in the near future.

The successful daily routines and arrangements we had in place last year will continue to be in operation with continued good hygiene and safety practices observed. We are mindful of cross-contamination and wish to reduce any spread of infection from home to school or school to home. It is our intention to move forward following all guidance and regulations as we return to a full and busy school year.

Please note-The information provided below is subject to change should other unexpected factors arise before the 31st August 2021.  

Returning to School-Dates and Times 

First Day Back 

All children will return to school on Tuesday 31st August 2021 from 9.00am-12 noon. Please wear full school uniform. Lunch will not be served as the canteen is not in operation until the 1st September.  (Please note P1 children will finish at 12 noon and not 12.30pm as stated on Induction timetable)

P7 hoodies can be collected from the school office on Thursday 26th August between 8.30am and 12 noon (if you wish your child to wear it to school on the 31st).


Morning/Afternoon Arrangements 

Class resumes as normal for children in P2-P7 from Wednesday 1st September 2021.  Primary 1 times will vary at the beginning. Miss Mulheron will send out a reminder before the 31st August.

Children can be dropped off at the school gate daily from 8.30am in the morning.

Breakfast Club will return this term-more details will follow about the start date for this.


P2 will finish at 2.00pm, P3-P7 children will finish at 3.00pm. The start date for Butterflies and 325 Club will be sent out next week.

Can my child bring a school bag etc? 

P1-P3 children will use their blue book bags for homework and reading books. (Miss Mulheron will share details about these bags with P1 parents next week)

P4-P7 children can bring a school bag.  

Only send necessary belongings and equipment to school.  

Morning Break 


Your child will need a healthy snack for the morning break. You can also send in a bottle of water.  

P1 & P2 

Please send in £2 weekly to cover the daily snack for your child.  

I am very much looking forward to welcoming everyone back to Chapel Road and extend a warm welcome to our new children and their families. I will be in touch next week with more details about our return.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email the school info account

See you all very soon

Mrs Bacheta