Access Keys:

Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside


3rd Apr 2023

Dear Parent / Guardian

The assessment being used by all selective post primary schools in N Ireland is changing. Every one of the 62 schools that use academic selection within their admissions process will now use the outcomes from an assessment provided by the Schools’ Entrance Assessment Group (SEAG).

If your child is transferring to post-primary education in 2024 and you would like your child to sit the SEAG Entrance Assessment in November 2023 then the following information may be helpful:

  • You will need to register on the SEAG website
  • Having registered you will be able to complete an online Pupil Application for your child to sit the Assessment.
  • The Parent Registration and Pupil Application period will run from 9am Wednesday 3 May 2023 until 5pm Friday 22 September 2023.
  • No Pupil Applications can be accepted after 5pm Friday 22 September 2023.
  • The 2023 SEAG Entrance Assessment consists of two papers. The first will be held on Saturday 11 November and the second on Saturday 25 November.
  • Each paper has 28 English (or Gaeilge) and 28 Maths questions.

For more detailed information about SEAG and the Entrance Assessment please go to:

Yours faithfully
Michael Carville
SEAG Chairperson