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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside

Sport's Day Fun at Chapel Road PS May 2019

31st May 2019

All the children from Primary 1 to primary 7 had lots of fun today for Sport's Day! We didn’t let the rain put us off!!

We would like to thank all the parents, grandparents and family friends who came along to cheer us on. A special mention has to go the children, parents and grandparents of Primary 5,6 and 6 who braved the rain to start their races outside!!!

Well done to everyone who took part and to the brave Mummies and Daddies who did the parents race!

A special thank you to our PTA for the raffle which was won by Pheobe Mc Closkey in the Playgroup. We hope your family enjoys their trip to Tropical World.

As always thanks to our fantastic staff who worked so hard to get us all ready at the last minute and for the much needed refreshments.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday.