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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside

Super Padraig 🤩

29th Apr 2020

Padraig has been working super hard at home. 🌟 He continues to complete all of his literacy and numeracy tasks, as well as learn his spellings every week. In literacy he enjoyed learning about verbs and he was able to spy the verbs in his sentences. 🕵️‍♂️ Padraig is even doing extra learning at home by practicing his time work and creating his own clock. 🕰 

Our trip to Dominos paid off as Padriag was able to make his own pizza with his brother and I think it looks absolutely delicious. 😋🍕 Also Padraig is making sure he gets his daily exercise by going outside to do a bit of running and playing games such as tip. 🏃‍♂️

Keep up the fantastic work you super star 🙋‍♀️