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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside

Super Work in P1 🌟

9th Jun 2024

P1 have been working very hard in their Maths this week. We were learning all about 3D shapes! We listened to the 3D shape song and learned the names of the different shapes. We then sorted everyday objects by their shape. We went on a shape hunt around the school. 

In our topic we looked at all the different Fairytale Houses. We chose a house each to write a ‘House for Sale’ advertisement for and the boys and girls wrote some fantastic descriptions! We also discovered that houses are made up of 3D shapes. The 3 Bears’ Cottage is a cube with a pyramid roof and Rapunzel’s tower is a cylinder with a cone on top!

We had a go building houses for the different Fairytale characters using Lego, wooden blocks or magnetic tiles. Fiadh and Paddy made amazing houses for the 3 Bears using boxes, tubs and bottles they found at home. Thankyou for bringing them into show us! 🏠🧱🏡

P1 also made some fantastic Wanted posters for the baddies from the different Fairytales and stuck them up around the school. We hope to catch them soon!!! Super work P1!