Access Keys:

Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside
325 Club Week Beginning 30th September It is now time to book your place for 325 Club week beginning 30th September.Booking link opens at 8.30am Wednesday 25th September and closes 3.00pm Friday 27th September. to put your child's/children's names and class and the days and times you wish to choose.Please Note link closes 3.00pm Friday 27th September you cannot book after this.If you cannot access the link then please inform school staff before 3.00pm on Friday 27th September.
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16th Dec 2020

We would like to extend a huge thank you to our school community. We asked the children during Advent if they could bring in items suitable for a hamper in order to help others.

The response as always was amazing and we would like to say thank you to everyone who brought in items for our hampers.

The ladies have been busy making up all the hampers ❤️😀👏👏👏