Access Keys:

Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside


11th Dec 2019

Did you know we have our very own local FOOD AND CLOTHES BANK here in the Waterside? It is based at 40 Duke St right on our doorstep.

The aim of the Hope Centre is to help anyone who has a practical need in their life. The centre is working with local community and health workers to make sure those most in need receive the items and help they require.

Similar to other food and clothes bank they rely on our generosity so if you are clearing out for Christmas and have food or clothes that you feel would be useful for someone else please send into school and we will act as a depot for the centre.

Donations of tinned foods, packets of pasta/noodles, crisps etc, salt, pepper and seasonings, tea, coffee, sugar, sauces, jam, drinks are all greatly accepted and will help anyone in need this Christmas.

Thank you in advance from everyone at the HOPE CENTRE.

You can contact the centre on 028 71349339.