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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside
325 Club Week Beginning 13th January 2025  It is now time to book your place for 325 Club week beginning 13th January.Booking link opens at 8.30amWednesday 8th January and closes 3.00pm Friday 10th January. to put your child's/children's names and class and the days and times you wish to choose.Please Note link closes 3.00pm Friday 10th January you cannot book after this.If you cannot access the link then please inform school staff before 3.00pm on Friday 10th January.
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11th Jan 2021

Dear parents/guardians

I hope everyone is well. 


Unfortunately, due to the rising numbers of covid cases and deaths in our community, we have been forced into ‘lockdown’ once again. It is very concerning and we must do everything we can to keep safe. The message ‘stay at home’ remains in place.

REMOTE LEARNING is now back and will continue until half-term in February. We did not want to be in this position, but we have done it before and we can do it again. P1 children will experience this process for the first time so keep in touch with Miss Mulheron. By now we hope that everyone has logins sorted and is ready to go with the online learning. We understand that this will present challenges for some and it may not be possible to complete all the suggested activities. Please do not worry and always be proud of what you do achieve. There are benefits to repetition of previous learning and revision to consolidate learning so your child will always have something that he/she can focus on. I cannot stress the importance of reading and would encourage all children to spend quality time reading each day.


Learning begins-9.00am

Morning break is 10.30-11.00am

Lunchtime is 12.00-1.00pm

Primary 1 and Primary 2 children finish at 2.00pm

P3-P7 children finish at 3.00pm

Friday GOLDEN TIME-1.00pm/2.00pm-3.00pm

LEARNING PACKS have been prepared and are in the assembly hall for collection (if you requested one).


As you are aware, this facility is specifically available to accommodate children of Key Workers when other childcare arrangements are not possible. To protect the adults and children in school it is expected that your child/children will follow the regulations of ‘stay at home’ whilst not in school.

Following a review of this provision earlier today, I feel it is important to share the following.

We have organised two bubbles and a staff timetable is in operation to facilitate the supervision of learning.

I must stress that, due to the large numbers in attendance, we were under pressure to provide this facility today. Much of the online learning was not achievable as we did not have enough devices to allow all children to adequately access it. 

It became evident very quickly that it will not be possible for the children to complete all learning during attendance at school and this may need to be followed up at home.

We cannot accept digital devices from home due to privacy and insurance issues. I have sent an application to the Education Authority for additional devices but was told this will take some time to be processed.

I will continue to monitor how we manage this week, but I may have to revisit the delivery of this provision. 

If you have any further questions do not hesitate to get in touch.

EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION is the key ingredient in successful home learning. We need the children, staff and parents to communicate their plans, questions, concerns, ideas and completed work so that we all know what to do and how to do it.

To ensure this communication is productive and works for everyone please note the following:

  • Teaching staff will communicate via email, Microsoft Teams and the Home Learning Section on the website. Teaching Staff will let you know which platform they are using.
  • Be patient as your child settles into their new daily routine.
  • Be realistic about what your child can complete independently and the time it takes.
  • Teaching staff will be available from 9.00am-3.00pm to share the learning and support where necessary.
  • Teaching staff will set up video calls, share assignments, send timetables, ask for work to be submitted, give feedback, answer emails, provide teaching and learning tutorials/videos and be available to support home learning. It is important to communicate your needs to the class teacher so that any issues can be resolved quickly.
  • Should you need to contact the teacher you can do so via email. The class teacher will respond at their earliest convenience throughout the day however, he/she will not be available after school finishes. For urgent matters please contact the school info account. 

  • Teaching staff will attend school on a rota basis to support the classroom assistants. On these days the learning will be shared in the morning. The teacher will explain how these days will work for each class. 


To limit the staff on site and minimise the risk of spreading the virus, Mrs. Ashford will work off site for part of the week. If you wish to contact the office and there is no answer on the phone, please email the info account and you will receive a prompt reply.

I hope this information continues to keep you up to date. 

Please take great care.

We offer our prayers for the safety of everyone in our school and wider community. We are hopeful that we will all enjoy happier times in the future. We send our thanks to everyone who continues to help others, provide services and save lives at this time. We are so grateful. 
Thank you to our staff for their dedication and commitment to our fantastic boys and girls. 🤗

God Bless

Mrs Bacheta