UPDATE 6th January 2021
Dear parents/guardians
We are in school today planning and preparing for remote learning once again. This was initially supposed to be for two days but has now been extended until mid February. To ensure we are fully prepared we will be taking the next few days to get the learning ready for the children. This will include developing paper copies of the learning alongside the digital platforms. This proved to be very successful during the first period of remote learning and since returning in August we have continued to communicate with you via email and Teams as well as training the children in their use.
Two of the key ingredients in the success of this process will be motivation to learn and interactions with class teacher. The children need to get ready for school/home learning every morning. We will be doing a daily attendance record and will contact you if your child has not engaged. The children will need to have all logins saved and easily accessible. Younger children will need more help with these.
Learning packs will be prepared for the children. The class teacher will be in touch as some classes will vary. Class teachers will be in touch tomorrow and Friday but will also be planning and preparing the Learning Packs at this time.
These packs can be collected on Monday 11th January between 9.30am and 12 noon from the assembly hall. Social distancing and face masks are expected (unless exempt). Only one person should attend for each collection.
Any further questions, please contact the office on 028 71341419.
Mrs Bacheta
Chapel Road Primary School, Knockdara Park Waterside, Derry City BT47 2BD
Telephone: 028 7134 1419 | info@chapelroadps.derry.ni.sch.uk