Access Keys:

Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside


24th Mar 2020

Dear parents/guardians
We hope you all had a good day yesterday. If nothing else it was a busy day as we started remote learning. Joe the Body Coach with his morning workout is already a favourite. 👍

For anyone who didn’t get in to collect the learning packs, do not worry. Miss Kerr will deliver to your door at some stage today. Just give her a friendly wave from inside. She will be hurrying home to ‘lockdown’ too. Thank you Miss Kerr. 👍

At this time, we are not in a position to offer the service for key workers but will continue to review this over the coming days and weeks. Contact the school info account if you have any questions about this. 

Following the announcement last night I would urge you all to try to follow this ‘lockdown’ and be safe. For the brave key workers of whom there are many and in so many different roles we are praying daily for your safety. I personally have a heavy heart and you are never far from my mind.
If any of our key workers need assistance that we can help with, like shopping and dropping it to your door so you can get a rest, please just ask. We would be honoured to help you. 

If any of our boys and girls have special messages or prayers for others please send to the class teacher. Take a few minutes everyday and remember the brave and special people who are there for our community at this time. 

Remember ‘Every day may not be a good day but there is something good in every day’.❤️
Mrs Bacheta

#be safe #be happy #be proud #be kind

Send us your pics x