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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside

Week 2 of Home Schooling in Primary 2

3rd Apr 2020

Well boys and girls, I am so proud of you all for keeping up the great work at home. Your parents have been keeping me up to date of all the activities you have been doing. You are even giving me great ideas! I'm going to share some photographs with you now and see if you can guess who the children are, as you look so different without you school uniforms on!

We had some 'Good News' this week from Lexi Mae who was a runner up for her donut design at McDaids bakery. Her prize is any big bun she wants, oooo you are lucky Lexi Mae. I love your design! Congratulations!

Easter Sunday is next week 12th April, maybe this week we could design an Easter Egg and I'll share all your pictures up here.

Good luck now finding your friends in the pictures. You should be able to find







7.Lexi Mae

