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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside
325 Club Week Beginning 20th January 202 It is now time to book your place for 325 Club week beginning 20th January.Booking link opens at 8.30amWednesday 15th January and closes 3.00pm Friday 17th January. to put your child's/children's names and class and the days and times you wish to choose.Please Note link closes 3.00pm Friday 17th January you cannot book after this.If you cannot access the link then please inform school staff before 3.00pm on Friday 17th January.
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Working Hard in P1

22nd Jan 2022

We’ve had a busy week in P1! We found about penguins through websites, videos and non-fiction books. We then wrote facts about penguins. 🐧 In Shared Education we read a story all about bats. We then made our own bats. Ava McG took her bat home and made a house for her bat with her Granda, isn’t it fantastic?! πŸ¦‡ In maths we learned all about number 8 through Numberblocks and making playdough spiders and octopus. πŸ•·πŸ™ We also sorted shapes and bears in different ways and explained how we sorted them. πŸ»πŸŸ‘πŸ”ΊπŸŸ¦ In phonics we explored rhyming words. We blended to read the rhyming ‘e’ words and matched the correct pictures. We read a story about Ted and his Red Bed then wrote rhyming ‘ed’ words - red, ted, bed, fed. πŸ§ΈπŸ”΄πŸ› Well done P1, great work! 🌟🌈