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Chapel Road Primary School, Waterside

Return to School News

21st Jul 2020

Hello everyone

I hope you are all keeping well. Unfortunately, not much has changed since I last contacted you. The guidance was vague and provided nothing that we didn’t know already. There continues to be unanswered questions and it is unlikely we will receive clarity in the next few weeks.  I am currently working on an individual plan specific to our school. This plan will take cognisance of the health guidance and the social distancing requirements for schools.
There is no doubt that fitting the children into the classrooms whilst remaining 1 metre apart with the added pressure of maintaining a 2 metre distance from staff is impossible. Having measured and remeasured all the areas and rooms available and counted desks, we may be able to agree a timetable that will allow all children to return safely to school in September. This would be our hope and we will do our best to make this happen. I am hoping to provide you with a more detailed letter by Friday this week setting out the options we have available to us. 

In the meantime, please make a note of the following:

*Staff return to school on Monday 17th August.

*Confirmation is on Thursday 20th August. Mr Morrison’s class at 2.00pm and Miss Whoriskey’s class at 5.00pm.

*P7 pupils return to school on the Monday 24th-28th August from 9.00am to 12.00pm. 

*P5 and P6 pupils are invited to attend a transition session on Tuesday 25th August-9.15am-11.45am

*P3 and P4 pupils are invited to attend a transition session on Wednesday 26th August- 9.15am-11.45am

*P2 pupils are invited to attend a transition session on Thursday 27th August-9.15am-11.45am

*Induction for P1 pupils will take place on Friday 28th August between 9.15am and 11.45am. Details will be emailed to parents. 


*The P2 to P6 transition sessions will provide an opportunity for the pupils and staff to become familiar with each other and the new routines. 

*First Holy Communion is on Monday 28th September at 4.00pm. Mrs Mc Cann has already emailed parents with prayers to practise in preparation for this sacrament.

*Your child will need a school uniform, a coat and a packed lunch where necessary. To reduce cross contamination between school and home, we will not be asking the children to bring anything in from home or sending items home with the children. This will be our starting point as we focus on a safe return but hopefully, we will be able to move on from this situation as we settle into school. School dinners will be served in the classrooms for the month of September with a review if and when circumstances change. More details on the ‘safe‘ movement and use of packed lunches will follow. 

*Clubs will not run when we first return to school. This will be reviewed as we move forward. 

*More details on arrangements for safe arrival and collection, homeworks and daily timetables will follow.

*School will be closed on Monday 31st August for the Bank Holiday. P2 to P7 will be asked to attend the full school day from Tuesday 1st September. P2 children will attend to 2.00pm. P1 children will attend from 9.00am to 12.00pm for the first week and until to 2.00pm for the second week. 

*Holidays for the academic year 2020/21 will reflect the early start in August. I will forward these along with the return plan.

I hope I have answered some of the questions you may have about times and dates. More details will follow and as with all updates surrounding the pandemic, they are subject to change. It will be important that we work together and that we all take personal and collective responsibility for the safety of ourselves and others. 

If you have questions that are specific to your child or family, please email the info account from the week of the 17th August. 

Tell the children we are looking forward to hearing all their news and seeing them back in school. 🤗
Take care🌈

Kind Regards

Mrs Bacheta❤️